Take action with these primers on the enumerated powers of the Constitution and First Amendment Petitions to present to your County Commissioners.
Presidential Vetoes of the Dept. of Transportation
Illegal immigration and the Guarantee Clause
Standing Army
A standing army is one of the greatest threats to liberty.

First Amendment Petitions
This little used First Amendment Right to Petition is a key to bringing about constitutional compliance that is currently the exception.
Our oath-bond public servants MUST support and defend the Constitution, but it is We the People who MUST hold them all accountable. Click on each petition description for the link to read, download and print the petitions for your own use.
Petition: Remove the Biden Administration from Office

This petition seeks to address the Constitutional crises in America with the seating of a constitutionally unqualified President and Vice President.
This petition is to use the Constitution to remove the Biden Administration from office.
First Amendment Petition for Redress of Violations of the Constitution for the United States of America by Congress and Federal Court Jurists
Petition 001 Signature Sheet
Petition: Remove the United Nations and its Foreign Agents from American Soil

This petition seeks redress from treaties that violate the sovereignty of the United States with the result of removing the United Nations and all foreign officers associated therewith from American soil.
Additionally, it calls for the states and the people to determine what treaties violate the Constitution being null and void while also holding accountable those who have violated the Constitution to put these treaties in place.
First Amendment Petition for Redress of Violations of the Constitution for the United States of America by all Three Branches of Federal Officers Regarding Foreign Entanglements
Petition 002 Signature Sheet
Petition: Holding Congress Accountable for the Invasion at Our Southern Border

This petition addresses the invasion at our southern border and how our oath bound public servants are allowing this invasion to take place in violation of the Constitution and calls for said elected officers to be removed from office.
First Amendment Petition for Redress of the Guarantee Clause and the Enumerated Powers within the Constitution for the United States of America by Congress
Petition 003 Signature Sheet
Petition Draft: Constitutional and Legal Jurisdictional Limitation on the General Government

This document will be the underpinning for our forth petition which will address how the powers of the general government are limited with such precision that, for example, it has no authority to sell off strategic assets like Amerian lands, resources and business interests to foreign entities.